Beginning her career in the Education sector, Helen worked as an academic at the University of Sydney following completion of her Master’s degree. Not surprisingly, with this background Helen has a passion for lifelong learning and professional development.
In 2006, Helen joined Manly Council on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and quickly developed a strong commitment to the sector with a passion for advancing the “local government brand” generally and raising awareness of the vast output and importance of the sector in the life of the communities they serve.
After the 2016 NSW amalgamation programme conducted by the then State Government of NSW, Manly became part of the three Sydney peninsula Council merger (Pittwater, Warringah and Manly). The new Northern Beaches Council (of around 1800 FTE) was a challenging and once in a lifetime change environment for all involved.
Helen became the Executive Manager, Governance and Enterprise Risk followed by Acting Deputy General Manager, Corporate Services, then finally the General Manager, Customer and Corporate at the now fourth largest Council in NSW.
Her portfolios at Northern Beaches included Finance, Communications and Community Engagement, Legal Services, HR/WHS, Library Services, Customer Service, Governance/ Risk and IT. The staff in her Directorate alone numbered just under 400.
Helen also performed the role of Acting CEO at Northern Beaches Council in 2018 prior to joining Blackadder Associates (now LG Services Group) in 2019 as the State Manager.
Since then, Helen has worked with around 50 Councils across the Eastern States and specialises in executive recruitment up to General Manager / CEO level, which she has embraced with the same passion as her own local government roles.
Recent assignments in Tasmania as well as NSW mean she is particularly versed in the landscape of these two States and the processes and current pressures in these jurisdictions.
Helen is also an accredited in the Hogan Assessment System.
Academic and Professional Qualifications
Helen has a Master of Education from the University of Sydney in Political Philosophy and Management. Prior to entering the local government sector Helen worked as a tenured lecturer/ academic at the University of Sydney.
Recent Projects
- Chief Executive Officer and Manager Community Services – Burdekin Shire Council
- Chief Executive Officer, Executive Leader Delivery & Performance and Executive Leader Community Assets & Design - City of Launceston
- General Manager – Bellingen Shire Council
- Chief Executive Officer - Devonport Child Care Centres Inc
- Manager Governance and Manager Integrated Risk - Dungog Shire Council
- Manager People and Culture and Procurement & Contracts Manager - Lismore City