Murray River Council Wins Gold for Change Management

A BIG congratulations to Murray River Council and CEO Terry Dodds for being the second council in the country to ever win the Gold Medal from Macquarie University’s VOICE Project for change management (improving staff culture).

The LG Services Group team is proud to have assisted and facilitated two Voice Project (now XRef Engage) surveys at Murray River, led by our Leadership Development guru, Christine Georgiadis. Chris facilitated the implementation of the Voice Project (now XRef Engage) surveys at Murray River, attending all work areas across 4 townships, talking with staff in offices, depots and waste facilities, explaining the survey and how the program would roll out and answering questions, and assisting employees to complete the surveys. This independent facilitation and expert advice contributed to the 95% completion rate of surveys by Council employees.

The honest and open feedback provided by the 210 staff members has validated the opportunity for staff at Murray River to shine – they are empowered by CEO Terry and they enjoy their job. This genuine engagement has increased productivity and made for a very happy workplace.

We hear of the great things that happen in local government and we are proud to share this story.

“The vast majority of the workforce in any organisation possesses far more talent, intelligence, capability and creativity than their present jobs require or even allow.” Stephen R Covey

LG Services Group is a business partner to the Voice Project (now XRef Engage) – they are a leading provider of employee engagement surveys to Local Government – and we have extensive experience with the Voice Project methodology and we not only administer their survey, but we also analyse results and provide comprehensive feedback to the Council on the outcomes.

We helped achieve an outstanding 95% response rate for the survey – and we hear of many others who achieve 60%. What is our secret – we give personal support – we provide an overview of the program to employees, we guide staff with their online platform, we visit the depots, we assist with hard copy surveys, and we are there to answer any queries or concerns. Most importantly we are independent of the Council, while also knowing and understanding Council, and we guarantee to staff that their responses are private and confidential. We give every assurance that no person can be identified.

The reward for Murray River is not only in receiving this award as the Voice Project Change Champion Award for 2021 but most importantly in successfully transforming the council organisation into a high performing and happy team.
Contact Chris Georgiadis on 0439 813 310 or via email to discuss how we can help to facilitate YOUR employee engagement survey.