LG Services Group Celebrates a Successful Year of Growth and Innovation

LG Services Group is proud to mark the first anniversary of its rebranded identity, celebrating a year of remarkable achievements, expanded reach, and a dedicated commitment to serving local communities across Australia and New Zealand.

Over the past year, LG Services Group has continued to support organisations in Queensland and New South Wales, while also strengthening its presence in Tasmania, South Australia, and the Northern Territory, by delivering tailored services to councils and local government agencies.

Scott Mason, CEO of LG Services Group, emphasised the company’s dedication to ensuring communities across these regions benefit from the group’s expertise and high standards.

“We continue to lead the way in offering comprehensive local government services, including leadership development workshops, councillor induction programs, executive search and selection, and performance review facilitation,” Mr Mason said.

“Our mission is to provide local government agencies with the tools and knowledge to drive sustainable growth and peak organisational performance. This includes coaching and mentoring, executive interim placement, strategic planning, financial reviews and governance support.”

“We are your one-stop shop for local government expertise, and are committed to ensuring that elected members and local government employees have the skills and knowledge they need to excel in their roles and serve their communities effectively”.

At the heart of LG Services Group’s success lies a team of dedicated professionals who bring passion, expertise, and a deep understanding of local government to every project.

“Our team is committed to building strong relationships with our clients and working collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes for the communities they serve.” Mr Mason said.

“We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all our clients and industry partners for their trust and support over the past year. Your partnership has been instrumental in our success, and we look forward to continuing to work together to create positive and lasting impacts.”

Looking ahead, LG Services Group remains focused on expanding its services, not only across Australia and New Zealand but also with plans to break into international markets.